Креативные кисти для Photoshop, Illustrator и Photoshop Sketchturn ваши фотографии или графику в высококачественные кисти, которые вы можете использовать на Adobe Photo
Creative brushes for Photoshop, Illustrator and Photoshop Sketch
Turn your photos or graphics into high-quality brushes that you can use in Adobe Photoshop CC or Illustrator CC.
Beginners can easily create brushes in a guided, exploratory way while experts can refine their brushes with professional precision.
Захват изображения
Snap a fresh photo with your device's camera, or use a saved favorite from your gallery or Creative Cloud files. Easily isolate your brush with live color masking.
Craft brushes to get the exact look you want, based on where you want to use them. Adjustments include ribbon, scatter or vector-type brushes, color, size and repetition.
A Preview pane at the top of your screen demos your changes as you experiment. Test your brush settings using your finger.
Creative Cloud Libraries - Powered By Creativesync*
Your library of brushes will automatically sync to your Creative Cloud account, giving you instant access in compatible applications.
*Adobe Creativesync гарантирует, что ваши файлы, шрифты, дизайнерские активы, настройки и все более мгновенно появляются в вашем рабочем процессе везде, где они вам нужны. Начните свою творческую работу на любом устройстве и плавно поднимите его на другое.